23级英语一班 (江西师范大学 - 外国语学院)


  • 孟晨202302 发布于 2024-04-22 10:37
    DMC project 2 Digital Storytelling In this assignment, you will take your favorite short story and transform it into a digital story, using multimedia elements to present it from the perspective of a different narrator. (see assignment p.90)
  • 孟晨202302 发布于 2024-03-26 10:57
    DMC project 1——multimedia presentation You are supposed to make a multimedia presentation about a person who has had a significant influence on you. After that, try to record the PPT(capture the screen and do a presentation based on that) and submit the video form of PPT to me. You should incorporate various forms of media—text, audio, visuals, and perhaps even interactive elements—to tell a compelling story. Focus on a particular event or experience that this person went through, using this moment to showcase their character and the impact they’ve had on you. Some questions to be considered: Who is the person? (The protagonist) What does the character looks like? (Appearance) maybe you can provide a photo of the character. What was the person’s profession or job? What was your relationship with him or her? (concrete details) Describe a specific memorable experience. What happened between you and this person? Did this person say or do anything that impressed you or greatly impacted you? What have you learned from this person? Why is this person still influential in your life?
  • 孟晨202302 发布于 2024-03-21 12:52
    🌟 欢迎加入我们数字多模态记叙文写作的学习之旅!🌈 亲爱的1班的各位同学们,为了打造一个充满活力与合作精神的学习氛围,我们特地创建了这个班级群!📚 在这里,你们每一次的作业将不再是孤单的旅程,而是一次共同成长的机会。你可以在这里上传你们的作品,畅所欲言地分享你的见解,从同伴那里获得灵感与反馈。 💡 想象一下: 一个你可以随时获得支持与鼓励的地方,无论是学术挑战还是创意火花,都有伙伴与你并肩。这不仅仅是一个作业提交的平台,更是一个我们能够相互学习、共同进步的社区。 🚀 让我们一起加油, 在这个旅程中发现更多的可能性,探索知识的无限宇宙。每个人的贡献都是这个群体智慧的一部分,每一次互动都是我们成长道路上的一步。 期待看到大家的精彩表现,让我们一起创造一个充满乐趣和学习的英语多模态写作社区吧!🌟